Monday, October 22, 2012

Lazy PDA (Peshawar Development Aurthority)

Following are the images of the Peshawer Development Aurthorities website
Althought PDA managed to get a website but like the drums of garbage in the streets that they attend after years they didnot updated their site from almost 2 years. It was better not to have a website if PDA cannot update and facilitate the people of Peshawer. Its shame for the government of KPK that their performance is so poor relatively to other provinces. All the other provinces are atleast working in their provincial capitals and working to develop provincial capitals. But in KPK if this is the performance of PDA then you can imagine what will be the performance in the other cities.
Our Chief Minister Amin Haider Hoti i think never read the social studies book and don't know that provincial capital of KPK is Peshawer. I think he considers Mardan as the provincial capital of KPK. Because as much he is moving everything to Mardan. All the developments were done in Mardan but Peshawar remained as it was 5 years back or i will not be mistaken that it became worst than it was in the MMA Government.
Here is the website Peshawer Development Authority, Provincial Capital of KPK
This is the main page of PDA's website
These lazy people of PDA even dont have image of Secretary Aurangzeb Khan's pic that they can upload on this site. Welcome note is copied from Wikipedia. I think they dont have words to welcome people visiting this site or may be they dont knw what they can say about Peshawer.
The big new icon is of the contest for designing of logo for new peshawer Water and Sanitization company. I dont knw from how many years its appearing here as new. We dont knw what happend to the contest. We dont knw that if W & S company has any logo now or not. The only way to know that was IF these lazy people updated this site.

Online Complaint Services are there but non of them is working and no details are provided how to use this service. I dont think this service is ever used by any1. As if these people so lazy that they dint updated their site from years how they will follow our complaints.

Introduction is there but other than that none of the above liks are active. Functions, Territory,Future Growth PDA themselves dont knw about this how they will tell us . Dont knw how they manage to put a pic of PDA here bcos there is no other image of Peshawer in the website.
This is the conatact information. Not even a singe contact number is provided by the site. The contact column is empy because PDA know these people cannot be contacted by a citizen of Peshawer then what's the need to provide their contact numebr.
Here comes the Establishment Page and details of the PDA management. From this page i just came to knw that there are alot of directors in PDA. But their names, education details or any other details are not provided.

This is the most funny page on the PDA's site. If you are living in Peshawar you will definitly know that their is no project for Peshawer and the date of projects here will tell u the remaining details that from last 2 years there is not even a single development project carried out by PDA.

 Here are the procedures and non of them is active.
Online Complaint system not working or u can say that never worked
According to this page not even a single tender is issued in 2012. We dont knw if there was a tender in 2012 or if the lazy people dint updated the page.
New and Events. The last event that took place in Peshawer was in May 2011 according to this page.
Another funny page on site is Picture Gallery. Atleast they managed to keep this Gallery clean unlike the roads and streets of Peshawar


If you want to download any form then please dont visit this page because non of the links are working and there is not even a single document that you can download.





 Last but not the least. VISION and MISSION of PDA. If u think there is any Vision or Mission of PDA after visiting this site then must read this it will help you alot

Thanks to PDA for providing such a useful website for the People of Peshawer

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