Saturday, June 23, 2012

Leaders and Pakistan (Imran Khan our HOPE)

We Pakistani’s are very unlucky in case of leadership. In last 65 years there were very few leaders who tried for the wellbeing of Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is on the top of that list. According to a BBC poll in 2004, Jinnah is considered as South Asia's greatest-ever leader with the highest score of 39%, higher than Gandhi and Subhash Chandra Bose.

The historian, Stanley Wolpert, makes the following observation that succinctly describes the legacy of Jinnah and his footprint on history.

Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Muhammad Ali Jinnah did all three.

Luck didn’t favor us for long here. This great leader died just 1 year after the independence of Pakistan, at the time when we needed him the most because that was the time when we were working on the base of Pakistan. It is said that when the viceroy of India at that point of time, Lord Louis Mountbatten, learned of Jinnah's ailment he said 'had they known that Jinnah was about to die, they'd have postponed India's independence by a few months as he was being inflexible on Pakistan'.

After Jinnah military started intervening in the political matters and this went on till Pakistan found Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Bhutto started his political career in 1957 when he became the youngest member of Pakistan's delegation to the United Nations. He addressed the United Nations Sixth Committee on Aggression on 25 October 1957 and led Pakistan's delegation to the first United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea in 1958. That same year, Bhutto became the youngest Pakistan cabinet minister, on appointment to the Ministry of Water and Power by President Field Marshal Ayub Khan.
Bhutto was noted for his progressive economic initiatives, industrialization, education, and foreign policy, and his intellectualism. In addition to national security issues, Bhutto promoted his policies on nationalization, health care, and social reforms. Under his premiership, Pakistan's Parliament gave approval and passed unanimously the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan, a supreme law that provides a parliamentary system to Pakistan, strengthened Sino-Pakistani and Saudi-Pakistani relations, recognized East-Pakistan as Bangladesh, and hosted the second Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in 1974 where he delegated and invited leaders from the Muslim world to Lahore, Punjab Province of Pakistan. In July 1972, Bhutto successfully preceded the Shimla treaty, signed with Indira Gandhi of India, brought 93,000 Prisoners of War back to Pakistan, and secured 5,000 sq. mi (13,000 km2) held by India. In 20 January 1972, weeks after the Indo-Pakistani 1971 winter war, Bhutto orchestrated, authorized, and administrated the scientific research on nuclear weapons; for this, he is colloquially known in the world as "Father of the Pakistan's nuclear deterrent program”. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was executed in 1979 after the Supreme Court of Pakistan controversially sentenced him to death by hanging for authorizing the murder of a political opponent.

After that there was a long pause although we saw leaders like Nawaz Sharif, Benazir Bhutto, Pervez Musharraf, Shoukat Aziz, Zafar Ullah Jamali, Yousaf Raza Gilani, Chaudhry Shujjat, Asif Ali Zardari etc. but no one was able to impress Pakistani nation as they were impressed by Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

Now Imran Khan is gaining popularity among Pakistani Nation as a leader. Imran Khan is considered  Pakistan's most successful cricket captain, Khan played for the Pakistani cricket team from 1971 to 1992 and served as its captain intermittently throughout 1982–1992. After retiring from cricket at the end of the 1987 World Cup, in 1988 due to popular public demand he was requested to come back by the President of Pakistan to lead the team once again. At 39, Khan led his teammates to Pakistan's first and only World Cup victory in 1992.

In April 1996, Khan founded and became the chairman of a political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. Through worldwide fundraising, he has also helped establish the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre in 1996 and Mianwali's Namal College in 2008. He represented Mianwali as a member of the National Assembly from November 2002 to October 2007. But Khan’s party was not much popular in Pakistan. Many Political leaders considered him as a total failure in politics and is alive just because of the media coverage until 30 October 2011, Imran Khan changed the political picture of the country by addressing more than 100,000 supporters in Lahore challenging the policies of the current government, calling this new change a "tsunami" against the ruling parties, followed by another successful public gathering of 250,000 supporters in Karachi on 25 December 2011. Since then Imran Khan has become a real threat for the current ruling parties and future political prospect in Pakistan. According to International Republican Institute (IRI)'s survey, Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) tops the list of popular parties in Pakistan both at the national as well as provincial level, leaving Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) behind.

Today Imran Khan is the new HOPE of Pakistani youth and they want to see him the next prime minister of Pakistan. Today he is the only leader of Political Party who is participating in every TV talk shows when he is invited and is answering every criticism made on him or his party where as leaders of other political parties are not that brave to do this. He is the only Leader of Political Party against whom there is no case of corruption, no scandal. Other parties tried their best to involve him in different scandals but he faced all those allegations and cleared them on media. One of his answer is very popular when Babar Ghauri of MQM asked him in a TV show that look at this picture this kid’s (Sita white’s daughter) face look like you. Imran Khans answered Babar Ghauri, if I go to Africa, I can show you a hundred kids that look like you. After this answer I guess no one asked him again about Sita white and her kid.

I don’t think we have any other choice in the upcoming elections other than Imran Khan. We already tried all the options but no one was able to deliver according to our wishes. Imran Khan and PTI is the only hope left behind. He is the only person with all his assets in Pakistan. He is the only person who will not leave this country. He is the only person talking about change in system of Pakistan and we need that change to save our Pakistan.  

I specially added these last 2 pics to show you what he was and what he is today. In the above picture you can see his life style when he was cricketer. Then check the following picture.

 I have seen many people going from this position to the position in second last picture of Imran Khan. But its very rare that someone from that class will come to this level and that also only for the people of his country.
I never voted in elections for anyone in my life but this time i will vote for him. After watching this how can i  vote for anyone else. My vote is only for him because he earned my vote with his efforts for my pakistan that i can see. You are definitly blind if you cant see those efforts that he made and the efforts he is making today for you and for Pakistan..

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